Cuzzupe Calabresi - Traditional Calabrese Easter Brioche

Buona Pasqua a tutti!

Doing Pasqua like my maternal side this year with these Cuzzupe Calabresi - delicious Easter brioche. My 97 year old Calabrese Nonna gave them the thumbs up.

2 eggs

650gr flour (I used half 00 and half Manitoba)

3/4 cup sugar

1 cup milk

75ml sunflower oil

1 teaspoon dry yeast

Rind of a lemon

Method - head to instagram to watch also

The dough should be kind of sticky so if yours looks dry add a touch of extra milk. Use flour to work the ball before you let rise the first time (overnight if you like or do it early in the morning and let rise for about 6 hours. Once shaped let them rise for another couple of hours).

Shape them and decorate them with the hard boiled egg and the cross like the traditional ones in the above pic , otherwise shape them into a twist and pop some choc drops in them like the last one like the pic below (just don’t dare call them Cuzzupe afterwards or the internet police will attack)

Oven on 180c until they are dark brown.

Enjoy dunked in some ‘latte e caffe`’ !

Sweet Brioche (Cuzzupe recipe) with Choc Chips

Linguine con le Vongole - Pasta with Clams

Ingredients -

500gr spaghetti or linguine

2 cloves garlic (whole to remove or crushed - whichever you prefer)

1/4 (or a splash more) cup extra virgin olive oil

1kg clams

approx 400gr ripe cherry tomatoes (or any tomato you have - or none at all if you prefer in bianco)


Pasta water in case it needs to be added at the end

Watch the instagram reel as a method guide.

When the pasta is cooked, grab it with the tongs and move it to the pan with the sauce, without draining it too much so some of the pasta water goes in the pan with it creating a nice sauce.

Rotolo di Cannella -Cinnamon Scrolls

Scoll down to find the recipe and click on the link to watch the reel on Instagram

Honestly - if you just put all the ingredients in a bowl and either mix them well in a kitchenaid or knead well by hand , they will turn out beautifully. Don’t over think it!

3 cups flour 00

2 teaspoons dry yeast

1/2 teaspoon salt

100 gr room temp butter

1 & 1/4 cups milk

Knead. Let it rise for a couple of hours or so

IN THE MEANTIME - make your cinnamon butter spread and your icing. Put about 100gr room temp butter, a couple of tablespoons of brown sugar, a tablespoon of cinnamon, and mix until it forms a buttery texture.

For the icing, just a few tablespoons of icing sugar and a tablespoon of milk and mix. If you like it more runny you need more water , or more thick, just add more icing sugar (do it gradually, in small amounts so you get “your” right consistency.

Once risen roll out the dough into a square (ish) shape, spread your butter cream on it, roll and cut and place in a tin. Take a look at the one I have used in my reels to get an idea of the size.

Let rise for about another half hour and then bake.

Bake on around 175 until they are golden.

Head to reels to watch method!

Tramezzini di Melanzane e Ricotta

Eggplant and Ricotta Sandwiches


  • About 3 medium size eggplants

  • (optional) 3-4 fresh paprika

  • 1/2 cup white wine

  • 500gr ricotta (drained but not too dry)

  • 4 or 5 tablespoons grated parmesan

  • salt, pepper

  • clove garlic

  • 1 tin Mutti cherry tomatoes

  • basil

  • extra grated parmesan and some breadcrumbs for topping

    Prepare ricotta mixture by adding the ricotta, parmesan, salt and pepper in a bowl. Mix it until you get a nice smooth creamy mixture.

    Cut the eggplant into cycinders and fry lightly on each side. Remove and set aside to cool.

    For the sauce, put some oil and a clove of garlic in a pan you just friend the eggplant in, gently fry, and then add your fresh paprika and the white wine, let fry for a minute and then add your tin of Mutti cherry tomatoes. Let simmer . Salt the sauce and add some basil.

    While sauce is simmering, prepare your melanzane sandwiches, and once the sauce is cooked (about 20 -30 mintues), place them in the sauce. Top them with some grated parmesan and breadcrumbs and bake in the oven until they are golden brown on top.

Head to my reels on Instagram to watch the process by clicking on the link

Croquette di Patate e Mozzarella


  • about 5 boiled, peeled and riced (or mashed) potatoes.

  • 1 egg

  • salt and pepper

  • 3/4 cup grated parmesan cheese

  • slices (slithers) of mozzarella cheese (about 12 - cut the size of your pinky finger)

  • a bowl of breadcrumbs

  • sunflower oil to fry

    Mix the potato, egg, parmesan salt and pepper together in a bowl. Scoop out bits of the mix like you would when making a meatball, and roll a log shape on your hand. Press your indwx finger to make a hollow for the cheese and then seal. Roll on a board also if you like. Then roll in the breadcrumbs ready to fry.

    Head to our instagram reels to see the method

Ciao Ciao Cherry Season Ciambella

Thought I’d salute the last of the cherries with delicious Cherry Ciambella.

It’s simple and really easy to create .

Prep the cherries-

Peel them and pop in a pan with -

3 handfuls of really ripe cherries.

Juice of 1 Orange or a Lemon

2 tablespoons of sugar

Let cool…….


3 eggs

12 tablespoons sugar

12 tablespoons sunflower oil

12 tablespoons self raising flour

6 tablespoons milk

Rind of a lemon (or some vanilla bean if you prefer)

Head to our instagram page to watch the method

Biscotti di Pasta Frolla con Marmellata

Here is a quick and easy jam filled biscuit perfect for Christmas or anytime really.

Ingredients for the Pasta Frolla is below. To follow the method head to our Instagram page to watch. It is quite simple and easy. The dough should be squeezed in the hand in the first stage of kneading, and then popped on your board or table to knead into a ball.

Ingredients -

250gr butter

Rind of a lemon

5 tablespoons sugar

2 eggs

3 cups of 00 flour for sweets

1 teaspoon baking powder

(if the dough feels dry and not kneading properly just wet your hand and start kneading again)

Cook in fanforced oven 180c for about 30 mintues (depending on oven - just check but you will smell when they are ready)

Scan the QR Code below to get to our Instagram page -

Tania Pietracatella
'Carangiole' (aka Cartellate) Italian Christmas Treats

Carangiole (also known as Cartellate in Puglia) are a Christmas delight from my mother in law’s hometown Santa Croce Di Magliano in Molise and this is her recipe. Molise and Puglia are neighbouring regions in Southern Italy along the Adriatic Coast and my mother in law’s hometown is a stones throw from the border that separates Molise and Puglia. I am not sure why these Christmas delights are named differently - that’s something I’ll be asking Zia when we can get back home to Italy.

They are similar to a cannoli/crostoli only a little softer and more fluffy.

Scoll down for the recipe and head to out instagram page to watch how they are made via the ‘reel’.

The Little Italian School instagram

RICETTA - Recipe

2 eggs

2 tablespoons of sugar

50 gr softened butter

1/2 cup white wine

1 teaspoon of raising agent for cakes

Watch ‘reel’ over at our instagram page for the method (click on link below). NB Sunflower oil used for frying

The Little Italian School Instagram

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