Pictured : some of the strongest women I know. Family & friends of the heart - location: Farmhouse Italy
L-R Silvana, Adriana, Myself, Fausta, Rachel
We Italians love a good ‘festa’.
For those of you who have lived in Italy, you'll know that the Festa della Donna (International Women’s Day) is celebrated with blooming mimosa flowers that can be found on almost every street corner ready to gift to a wonderful ‘donna’ (woman) in your life.
La Festa della Donna is celebrated each year on the 8th of March and is a significant day because it reminds us of the importance of women all around the world. Once upon a time women were suppressed and discriminated against, but on the 8th of March in 1917 in San Petersburg, after the 1st World War, women marched the streets to fight for womens rights.
Pictured: The most important woman, friend & role model in my life: Mamma
The mimosa is the chosen plant to give women on this special day. There are a few different reasons why it is thought that this bright yellow bloom was chosen.
Some say the flowers of the mimosa are a reflection of what a woman is, being bright, cheerful, delicate and strong all at the same time.
Others say that the flower was chosen just after the war, when there wasn’t much money around, so it was economic and easily found in the fields, blooming every year in March.
Picture Pinterest
Buona Festa della Donna a tutti!
Have fun celebrating all of the strong, beautiful, sensitive, caring, loving women in your lives!
Pictured: the other most important woman in my life - Nonna 95 years old