Here is the amazing recipe for these super soft, light and fluffy ‘Graffe’ Napoletane. Hold on tight while your senses take a ride all the way to Italy and back with the first bite. The smell and taste of these scrumptious Italian donuts scream the local bar in Napoli ! Enjoy….
(and if you want to watch a snippet on my instagram reels click on the link -
Add all of the below ingredients (except the butter) in a bowl and knead all together until you get a soft, sticky but workable dough. You can do it in an electric dough mixer if you have one.
3 cups of flour
1 teaspoon dry yeast
2 eggs
Rind of 1 large lemon
Bustina of Vanillina (or a teaspoon of vanilla essence)
4 tablespoons of sugar
1/4 cup water (approx.) - add the water slowly until you get a sticky but workable dough.
50 gr room temperature butter
Once mixed, flour a board where you will now add the butter and knead again until it is all amalgamated. If you are using an electric dough needer, just add the butter and mix.
Try and form a nice smooth ball of dough, pop it back in the bowl and cover with a teat towel or glad wrap. Leave for 1-2 hours depending on the rooms temperature.
Once risen, take the ball of dough out of the container and onto a board that has been floured.
Cut the large ball into long strips to be able to join them at the ends to make the ring shape.
Once you have made the ring shapes, place them on a tray and let them rise for another hour or so. (depending on the temperature in the room)
Once risen a second time, fry them in some sunflower oil, roll them in some sugar, and take that sensory travel to southern Italy !