The word 'Molto' & it's different endings
When do we change the ending of the word 'Molto' in Italian?
This week in one of our Italian language classes, we stumbled on the word 'Molto' with a different ending, which led to the question of 'why' and 'when' does the word change. So I decided to write a quick blog about it...
Wouldn’t it be great and much easier if the endings of Italian words were all the same?! But if they were, then the saying ‘la dolce lingua’ would no longer be. The sweet sound of the Italian language is partly made of just that. Almost everything rhymes!
The word ‘molto’ means ‘very’, ‘a lot’, ‘very much’, ‘ a great deal’ and so on. This blog is to explain, very basically, why the ending of the word ‘molto’ changes sometimes and when we need to change it.
Location: Campobasso, Italy
If we are using the word ‘molto’ as an adverb then it doesn’t change.
Here are some examples:
La ragazza e` molto bella.
The girl is very beautiful.
Il bicchiere e` molto pieno.
The glass is very full.
Queste mele sono molto buone.
These apples are really good.
Questi occhiali sono molto carini.
These glasses are very nice.
If the word ‘molto’ is used as an adjective then changes like so:
C’e` molta neve.
There is lots of snow.
C’e` molta gente.
There are a lot of people.
Ci sono molte mele.
There are a lot of apples.
Ci sono molti libri.
There are a lot of books.
Hopefully this helps Italian language learners a little!