La Mamma Italiana
My childhood memories of ‘mamma’ and ‘nonna’ are fond. Very fond! I was raised by a mum I call ‘ma’ and a nonna I also call ‘ma’, because she looked after us while my parents ran restaurants. Mum and nonna raised us as a team. For Italians there's not much difference between the two. Italian mothers live for their children. Here are some common traits of ‘la tipica mamma italiana’ (the typical Italian mum)…
My eldest child and I
Sleep overs
Absolutely not. Not a chance. Unless of course you sleep at your cousin's house or your nonna’s house. That’s different because that is ‘famiglia’ and your mum knows your family will treat you exactly the way she treats you. They will make sure you are fed, and that definitely puts an Italian mothers mind at ease!
My mamma and I
Affection in public
Age is not an issue for an Italian mother. She will show you affection in public whether you like it or not. She is the matriarch. The boss. You have no say! But you respect her like no other and you like it just like that…
My son and I at the family farmhouse in Italy
No vitamin supplements required
You will always come home to a two to three course meal and there will be enough to feed an army! It’s actually ‘the norm’ to you and you only realise this when you bring your non Italian friends over for a feed and their eyes pop out of their heads. Pasta, carne, insalata, verdura, zuppa, pane, formaggio, frutta, acqua, vino, caffe`, amaro and the list goes on….
Every part of a balanced diet will be waiting for you at meal time and she does it with such ease.She even has her own cure for the common cold via food. It’s called ‘pastina in brodo’ (little pasta in chicken broth).
My bambini with their nonna Luisa making lasagne
Mum’s night out?
I don’t think so! An Italian mother won’t even go to a wedding unless her children are invited. ‘Wherever I go, my children come!' She’ll tell it loud and proud and won't care who she offends. As a matter of fact, it’s her who’s offended! And oh how that makes us feel loved.
My nonna (94 year old) and I
Cuore mio (or mia if she is referring to a daughter)
This is what Italian mums call their kids. It means ‘my heart’, which really says it all. That love is so profound it hurts, and it’s no wonder Italian kids are as sassy, confident and as bright as they are! I’m so darn proud of my Italian mum and nonna. They’ve made me ‘la mamma italiana’ that I am today !There are so many songs in Italian about la mamma it was really hard to choose one! I picked this very old, beautiful classic Italian song you may be familiar with. I have also added the English translation of it. Enjoy!
Mamma son tanto felice
Mamma I’m very happy
Perche ritorno da te
because I’m returning to you
La mia canzone ti dice
My song tells you
ch'è il più bel giorno per me!
That this is the most beautiful day for me
Mamma son tanto felice...
Mamma I’m very happy
Viver lontano perché?
Why would I live far away?
Mamma, solo per te la mia canzone vola,
Mamma, only for you my song flies
mamma, sarai con me, tu non sarai più sola!
Mamma, you’ll be with me, you’ll never be alone again!
Quanto ti voglio bene!
Oh how much I love you
Queste parole d'amore che ti sospira il mio cuore
These words of love that my heart sighs to you
forse non s'usano più,
Perhaps are no longer used,
ma la canzone mia più bella sei tu!
Mamma but my most beautiful song is you!
Sei tu la vita
You are life
e per la vita non ti lascio mai più!
And for life I will never leave you!
Sento la mano tua stanca:
I feel your tired hand
cerca i miei riccioli d'or.
Search for my golden locks
Sento, e la voce ti manca,
I hear you fading voice
la ninna nanna d'allor.
The lullaby of once upon a time
Oggi la testa tua bianca
Today your grey hair
io voglio stringere al cuor.
I want to hold close to my heart
Mamma, solo per te la mia canzone vola,
mamma, sarai con me, tu non sarai più sola!
Quanto ti voglio bene!
Queste parole d'amore che ti sospira il mio cuore
forse non s'usano più,
ma la canzone mia più bella sei tu!
Sei tu la vita
e per la vita non ti lascio mai più!
Mamma... mai più!