Posts tagged christmas sweets
Torrone alle Nocciole

Ingredients -

300gr milk chocolate

250gr dark chocolate

300gr Hazelnuts (remember to toast them)

Half glass full cream milk

One and a half tablespoons of 00 flour

2 tablespoons of honey

Watch the reel on instagram for the method.

OR -

Toast the hazelnuts.

Melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a bowl over hot water. Add the warm hazelnuts and all other ingredients and mix well. Place in a tray lined with baking paper and place in the fridge until it sets.

Petrali Calabresi - Christmas Sweets

PETRALI - DOLCI NATALIZI - Italian Christmas Sweets



250gr 00 Flour

75gr Sugar

75gr Lard

3 egg yolks

1 x satchel vanilla

pinch of salt

zest of a lemon

(a little bit of water if too crumbly)


175gr dried figs (ground)

75gr toasted almonds (ground)

150gr walnuts (ground)

1/4 cup vin cotto

Squeeze of honey

Teaspoon of cocoa powder

Teaspoon cinamon

Rind of an orange (or a lemon if you don’t have an orange)

NB mixture should be firm and easy to roll into balls to use for filling. Pastry should rest for half hour in fridge.

WATCH THE METHOD HERE. Cook on around 180c until golden