Girelle di Cannella

My kids asked me to make these Girelle di Cannella, so Sunday morning I woke up early to enjoy the beautiful quiet and have a little bake. I also popped a picture up on my instagram story and was asked by a lot of ‘dolci’ (sweet) lovers for the recipe so ‘eccola qui’ ! (here it is). The difference between these ones and the traditional ‘Cinnamon Scroll’ is that this one is an instant dough using self raising flour, and doesn’t need time to rise. The ‘Girelle’ turn out a little more like a biscotto rather than a soft doughy bun. Traditionally these are not Italian, but like many other recipes, we tweak things and make them the way we like them. It’s fun to be creative ‘in cucina’ (in the kitchen). Our family love these with the morning glass of ‘latte e caffe`’, and we always make enough to put a few aside for nonna and bisnonna (great-grandmother) to enjoy.

For the dough

-2 cups self raising flour

-90gr chilled salted butter

-2/3 cup milk



Knead and roll into a rectangular (as best you can) thin layer (about half cm thick). You can rest it for 10-15 minutes if you like. It will be a little easier to roll out if you do.

Make the filling

-melt 60gr butter

-1 & ½ tablespoons cinnamon

-1/3 cup sugar

Spread it all over the rectangle you just made, then roll the long side of the dough inwards and all the way to the other side so you end up with a log.


Slice roll into pieces about 2cm thick. 

Bake in oven 175 degrees until brown and cooked. (approx 20-30 minutes)

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-1 cup icing sugar

-dash of milk (and stir through. If you prefer more runny then add more milk, less runny add more icing sugar)

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